In the spirit of 'less is more', here are some alternatives/answers that may come handy.
Louis Banks' MIle Sur Mera Tumhara stitched a nation in one tune for two decades. It is one of the most watched non-film songs in YouTube India. It features stalwarts from music, theatre, art, films and common people who make India India.
Bit of trivia:
The song quintessentially projected the syncretic character of the Indian nation and instilled among the countrymen the values of communal harmony. The widest diversity of people, languages, cultures and religions in one single country was brought out when one single tune was sung in Hindi, Assamese, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, Kashmiri, Marathi, Telegu and even in tribal dialects. The core values of secularism, the uniqueness of a tolerant and diverse India and the true spirit of Indianness were brilliantly brought out by the aesthetically shot videos and the simple lyrics of Piyush Pandey.
On 15 August 1988, when Doordarshan beamed this film for the first time following the Prime Ministerial address from the ramparts of Red Fort, the entire nation watched with rapt attention and the film marked an epoch-making event of Indian advertisement. For anyone who grew up in the ’80s, Asian Games and the arrival of colour television in 1982, India’s Cricket World Cup victory in 1983, Ramayana (1987/88) and Mahabharata (1988/90) and the anthem Mile Sur Mera Tumhara (1988) got etched into a permanent place in one’s heart.
A child friendly Karadi Tales alternative to the iconic Mile sur featuring Usha Uthup keeps the spirit intact under 4 minutes.
You enjoyed Reduced Shakespeare Company in the past, right?
The Bard under three minutes is a sacrilege, agreed. Now, allow a Vir Das version, for brevity indeed is the soul of wit.
Now that we compressed the works of the Bard under 3 minutes, we can do it for all the stories ever written, courtesy Kurt Vonnegut's Shapes of Stories. Irreverent and witty as ever. The top comment under this video correctly captures Vonnegut. "This is really cool. It's like a cross between a college lecture and a stand-up comedy routine!"
Exponents were invented in mathematics to pack more in less space. Our celebrity number pi, e,thespeed of light c,a unit for very large distances light year, Avogadro number ..there are plenty in science which compress an idea is so less a space.
The top slot for the most beautiful mathematical formula that converges ideas from 5 different fields of mathematics in such a frugal way, the crown jewel of mathematical formulas, is Euler Identity. Mathematicians get ASMR while writing this on the board and proving it gives them an intellectual orgasm!
Here is a proof for Homer Simpson, if you wish to know.
Leonard Euler, the greatest mathematician of all times has given many such thrill. Nobody spoke about it as eloquently and passionately as professor Willian Dunham.
The ultimate record for getting it shorty, pithy and funny is not Euler's to take but a certain Douglas Adams in his fiction A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
“Seven and a half million years our race has waited for this Great and Hopefully Enlightening Day!” cried the cheer leader.
“The Day of the Answer!” Hurrahs burst from the ecstatic crowd.
“Never again,” cried the man, “never again will we wake up in the morning and think Who am I? What is my purpose in life? Does it really, cosmically speaking, matter if I don’t get up and go to work? For today we will finally learn once and for all the plain and simple answer to all these nagging little problems of Life, the Universe and Everything!”
“Seventy-five thousand generations ago, our ancestors set this program in motion,” the second man said, “and in all that time we will be the first to hear the computer speak.”
“An awesome prospect, Phouchg,” agreed the first man, and Arthur suddenly realized that he was watching a recording with subtitles.
“We are the ones who will hear,” said Phouchg, “the answer to the great question of Life…!”
“The Universe…!” said Loonquawl.
“And Everything…!”
“Shhh,” said Loonquawl with a slight gesture, “I think Deep Thought is preparing to speak!”
There was a moment’s expectant pause whilst panels slowly came to life on the front of the console. Lights flashed on and off experimentally and settled down into a businesslike pattern. A soft low hum came from the communication channel.
“Good morning,” said Deep Thought at last.
“Er… Good morning, O Deep Thought,” said Loonquawl nervously, “do you have… er, that is…”
“An answer for you?” interrupted Deep Thought majestically.
“Yes. I have.” The two men shivered with expectancy. Their waiting had not been in vain.
“There really is one?” breathed Phouchg.
“There really is one,” confirmed Deep Thought.
“To Everything? To the great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?”
“Yes.” Both of the men had been trained for this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it, they had been selected at birth as those who would witness the answer, but even so they found themselves gasping and squirming like excited children.
“And you’re ready to give it to us?” urged Loonquawl.
“I am.”
“Now,” said Deep Thought.
They both licked their dry lips.
“Though I don’t think,” added Deep Thought,
“that you’re going to like it.”
“Doesn’t matter!” said Phouchg.
“We must know it! Now!”
“Now?” inquired Deep Thought.
“Yes! Now…”
“Alright,” said the computer and settled into silence again. The two men fidgeted. The tension was unbearable.
“You’re really not going to like it,” observed Deep Thought.
“Tell us!”
“Alright,” said Deep Thought.
“The Answer to the Great Question…”
“Of Life, the Universe and Everything…” said Deep Thought.
“Is…” said Deep Thought, and paused.
“Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
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